I’m off my regular routine due to travel, so I’m sparse, but here’s some interesting bits.
- Cheap Talk in economics is actually way more likely to generate collaboration than models of pure antagonism suggest. Humans defy models? Shock.
- The Working World Resources for coops.
- A Technology Freelancer’s Guide To Starting a Worker Cooperative
- Biomedical Explanations and the Fear of Fiction This is an idea that I think has come: we have a tendency to oversimplify and tie everything to biological and medical and scientific explanations, rather than actually admitting their complexity. This has some strong ties to scientism too.
- The Integral Guide to Well-Being, a good guide to CPTSD and recovery.
- about Update of global maps of Alisov’s climate classification, and its subject, Update of global maps of Alisov’s climate classification, full text in Progress in Earth and Planetary Science. Fascinating look at climate classification, and approaches and models that have been used.