Reading Week Ending 12/30

Things I’ve been reading this week:

  • “Facts, frames, and (mis)interpretations: Understanding rumors as collective sensemaking” by Kate Starbird at Center for an Informed Public @ UW. An excellent article on how we make sense of evidence and rumors and how disinformation works collectively
  • “Value Capture” by C Thi Nguyen. An excellent philosophy paper sussing out a concept I think people would be well to do to think about explicitly.
  • “Presentation, Diagnosis, and Management of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome” My husband has MCAS, and I suspect a really significant number of people do too. The literature paints it either as very rare … or about 1/5 of the population, depending on how you set thresholds and understand the disease. It’s easy to over-fit to, so it’s worth reading skeptically, but man do I ever know a bunch of vaguely but seriously chronically ill people who fit this mold. It seems to affect autistic people and people with ADHD more than most? It might be part of the bendy-spoony-transy syndrome.
  • “The C4 model for visualising software architecture”
  • “Untangling Threads” by Erin Kissane. Thoughtful work as always, and well worth a read in thinking about how federated social media should work when Meta the company starts getting involved.
  • “The Dark Lord’s Daughter” by Patricia C Wrede. A cute fantasy book so far. Aimed at kids but she was a favorite author of mine as a kid, and now is a favorite writer of writing advice now as an adult. I like to keep tabs on what she’s up to.
  • “Hella” by David Gerrold, for a book club. Fun so far. Space colonization on a planet with dinosaurs, with an autistic protagonist.