Tagged by silverspring, I now list five simple pleasures I like most.

  1. Rain, more than anything. Rain has always been a soothing force in my life, and I miss it when it’s not around. The first time I danced, no really danced, it was alone and in the rain.
  2. Silence. My world is one of the few that does have silence or nearly so on a regular basis. After 9 or 10 here, the road is quiet. I can go walking and hear the wind on the trees, even if it’s only blowing softly. I hear grasses rustle, and animals moving about in the fields.
  3. Warm tea. Tea is the center of the calm parts of my life. When I really do it right, I can sit quietly for an hour and really just feel and be. It’s my meditation, and it keeps me working all winter. Summer’s heat takes it from me mostly, and I miss it.
  4. Trees with moss under them. They give me hope.
  5. Scarves. I never imagined I would get such joy from throwing a piece of fabric around my neck and charging out into the cold, but I do. I laugh and smile a lot more when I’m wearing them. Start out a bad day, throw a scarf around my neck and tell me to go outside, and I’ll come in smiling.

I don’t particularly want to tag many people, but I’d love to know what klibs has to answer this meme.