Dirty Pretty Things is amazingly good. It’s also dark, disturbing, and occasionally hard to watch.

It put me in a weird mood all night. I really liked it, but it’s Björkishly dark and scary.


I got Ruby on Rails working last night. It’s not that friendly to RPM, so it took some heavy patching to get it installed, but it works now. It’s pretty amazing, even if it doesn’t embody some of what I consider best form in Ruby.


Finishing my database project has given me the free time and impetus to start working on my business again. I’m glad to be doing it, and I’m starting to build a todo list a mile long.


I just came out to someone unintentionally. Oops.


Three things I wish had been implemented in CSS much earlier if at all:

  1. An `underline-style` property.
  2. `position: fixed;`
  3. XPath selectors
  4. And not technically CSS, but the `<object>` tag, and CSS support for it.


I woke up feeling lost and abandoned for no reason at all. Then I realized I was feeling ill, and that’s now the most pressing thing on my mind. Bah.


One thing I really like about Zack is his ability to talk in metaphor while not losing track of what he’s really talking about.


I talked to Max this evening. Things are better.


How many people have had a point in their lives where they realize they can have their emotional safety or physical? Which would you pick?

Which is “you”, what’s in your head, or what’s in your clothes? What do other people know you for? Do you like it? How would you end the sentence “I am me because ___.”?


It’s funny that I posted more on LiveJournal while it was down than I have in the last two weeks.


I spent an hour tonight talking a very tripping and paranoid person through a bad trip. It’s really scary.


Worldflag.org is up. Go look — it’s cute, and it’s a project that needs to get off the ground.


What do you do when someone you respect and have some affection for says something that is an honest statement of opinion, but among the most callous things they could say? There’s only a handful of time in my life when I’ve stayed mad at someone for more than a few minutes. The past 48 hours is one of them.


I find myself getting more and more protective of my time spent in queer space. I’m tired of being a beige. I definitely feel isolated. I can’t wait to pay off the business so I can travel even a little bit. I’m getting there.


Bill’s sick, deadline’s now Friday, my flu disappeared about 2am last night, I slept all afternoon yesterday, so I stayed up ‘til 4 watching Anime and halfheartedly working. Now I’m at work, and life is good.