I just finished my winter coat. It still needs buttons, but it’s otherwise ready. I’ve been at it nearly ten hours, but it’s done!. Hems, cuffs, collar, finish stitching done! It’s blue wool, with a green tweedy lining. I was aiming for a slightly more form-fitting design, but it’s really comfortably drapey as it is. I think I’ll not bother tailoring it further, since I’m happy.


Today I’m thankful that my family’s not so insane that we can’t get together and enjoy a meal. We get along really well, and manage to just set our discomforts aside when we’re together. It so often feels like the elephant in the livingroom, but we’re pretty damn functional about it.

I’m thankful I have such wonderful friends, and I have so much amazing support and love. Today isn’t so much a day for me to reflect on what I have to be thankful for, but to let the reflection I do every day out and outloud. And I’m thankful that I have so much that I can remember every day.

I’m thankful I have a wonderful life.


Sam Ruby is again genius. “Just” use XML is delicious.


I’m mostly better. I’m so glad I heal fast, because I hate being sick.


I met a little foxy-haired girl one day

“Good mornin’, little foxy-haired girl“ I’d say

“Good mornin’ little beggarman, how do you do

With your bags and your rags and your old raggadhu”

Who should awaken but the woman of the house

With a white spotted apron and a calico blouse

She began to frighten, so I said “Boo!

S***, don’t be afraid, it’s old Johnny Dhu”

Great Big Sea

The lyrics rather made me think of raijna.


I have a new phone, now. Same number as before but I’m using Cingular now. So far, so good. It also can get on LJ!


Knowing that you don’t have to give anything up to love someone is the best feeling in the world. When it’s mutual, it’s simply amazing.


I think that part of growing up for me is finding a picture of myself that you really like, and being forced to admit that I am really that pretty. Thank you, vruba.

Anna‘s album “Wake” has the most gorgeous track on it, “Stay”. I am lost in a timeless world at the moment, listening to it.

I love that intensely good and intensely bad experiences can coexist in the same place. It sure beats having things just suck and having no good to be found.


It’s snowing now, a shock to my system after the seventy-degree day. My walk from the bus early this morning was chilly but not uncomfortable. On my walk home from work, twelve hours later, it’s cold and miserable, worthy of a week in Boston.

But it’s alright: I have Annie’s, beer, clean clothes, a shower and tea.


I’m home safe and sound. I’m tired and a bit cranky. More later.


I desparately want a GNOME app that will pop up in less than a second and let me compose and send an email. I want a simple, one-window UI, and I want it to close when I hit send.

I want it to store in my usual IMAP or local sent folder (following Evolution’s configuration would be great).

I’d love to see similar tools for a lot of other tasks, and I’d love to see Logjam have an option to close after submitting a Live Journal post the same way.


I had some facial hair removed today by laser. It stung like I’ve heard it does — like a rubberband snap, but not a bad one even for me. In all honesty, it hurts less than a razor does on the same hair. Yay for small victories.


So far, so good.


I’m also incredibly absent-minded today. I managed to walk into a door, walk into the back of a truck, and have now forgotten my pants. Brillant, Aria.


Not that I really feel like it’s my job to save the world, but…

… I wish that sometimes the world would just stay fixed.